“Our access to content and the ways we can watch stories has multiplied and mutated," co-creator and writer Adam Dewar said. "I think social cinema could be a blurring of the boundaries between the time we spend online and the way we consume high-quality content now."
Advertise the film Shield Five which premiered throughout the month of February 2016. The film was unique in that it was being released on Instagram only. The goal of the campaign was to raise audience awareness of the film and persuade them to follow the Shield Five account, therefore keeping up to date with the film.
We created the branding and identity for the film and based a series of digital advertisements for Instagram off of that work. A gritty texture was used in the title along with the feed posts to give viewers a feel for the mood of the film. A movie reel with shots of different scenes was used in some posts to show users specifically what they could expect from the film. Premiere and other information was visualised similar to the title to maintain consistency.
Several videos had over 42K views and the account acquired around 27 thousand followers throughout the course of the campaign and the episodes.